Home page

We are believers from a variety of Christian Churches, who honour the elderly and wish to see their spiritual needs fulfilled.

“But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them”? (Romans 10:14 NLT)

What we do

Love in Action Mission sends out groups from Christian churches to visit high and low care facilities and dementia units for non-denominational uplifting, joyful worship.

We offer one-to-one pastoral care, both in facilities and  for those  isolated in the community.

We partner with a variety of different churches from many different denominations.

We seek to share our vision wherever we can and believe in advocating for the elderly and promoting community awareness for the spiritual needs of our elderly friends and those with dementia.

We provide prayer support for the frail aged but also for staff and volunteers.

We run workshops, training and support for our volunteers and those who need encouragement to reach out. 

All of this is overseen by a Multi Church Committee with representatives from different denominations.

How you can help

Join us in an aged care facility once a month and help with singing, music (with instrument or iPad), role play or some other form of creativity. Or just come along and chat with the residents.

Help at the workshops or other outreaches or give somebody a lift to these events.

Support the outreach in prayer. Why not join or start a prayer group to support the ministry?

We also have a need for some administration work (phone calls, bookings, computer, rosters etc.).

Encourage others in your church to be involved (take some brochures), join the Multi Church Committee for Love in Action or donate to Love in Action.


Roy’s story

When I arrived to do a service in one of our regular lock up facilities, Roy* was sitting up the back. The recreation officer said Roy doesn’t usually take part in anything – he never talks, but can get quite disruptive.

I read a Scripture to the group and prayed, then we sang Jesus Loves Me. I looked over to Roy and he was singing the words. Wow, this was unusual for Roy! Following that, I noticed he was singing other hymns, he seemed to know most of the words without reading them. The staff were amazed when he later started praying the Lord’s Prayer with us loudly and with conviction.

During the prayer time, Roy looked like he was really being touched by God and was crying. I asked him if he wanted to invite Jesus into his heart, you could tell he was halfway there anyway, God was already doing his business. He thanked Jesus for dying for his sins, and asked for forgiveness, inviting him into his heart. Tears were falling down his cheeks (and mine). This, I believe, was a miracle. As Jesus said everything is possible for him who believes (Mark 9:23). This is the reason we go.

*name changed

Contact Us

Hi There,
We are looking forward to hearing from you. Please feel free to get in touch via the form below, we will get back to you as soon as possible.

If you wish, you can donate to our ministry.