Our team decided to visit some of the rooms in one of our regular aged care facilities, to say hi to the residents and we met May* who was very deaf but loved to read. She was excited when she realized we were from “the church”, and told us: “One year ago I was very sick and asked one of the staff if someone could pray for me, and the staff member told me; ‘sorry but there is no one like that here’.” At that stage our group was visiting once a month for worship services on another floor.
So we prayed for May and left some booklets to read because it was very difficult to communicate due to her hearing loss. She said she would read them and pray the suggested prayers after we had gone. The next time we visited the staff told us she had died. I do believe May made her peace with God that day and I’m glad we took the time to visit the rooms to give her that opportunity before she met Him face to face. There are many stories like this one which makes it a privilege to spend time with these special people.
*name changed